Welcome to ASPIN

DMHA Mental Health Internship Program Information

• ASPIN Health Navigator Upcoming Events –
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• ASPIN Private Tuition Community Health Worker Training Apply Here
ASPIN’s training scholarship application is currently closed. Sign up for our E-Mail List to receive information regarding ASPIN and ASPIN training Here

Affiliated Service Providers of Indiana, Inc. d/b/a ASPIN is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit behavioral health provider and education network.
Incorporated in November of 1995 ASPIN offers access to clinical providers in over 50 locations throughout the state of Indiana.
The ASPIN Behavioral Health Clinical Network maintains CARF accreditation under the Business and Services Management Network accreditation standards. The Behavioral Health Clinical Network is also a certified Managed Care Provider (MCP) for the State of Indiana Division of Mental Health and Addiction.
The ASPIN Education Network is certified to provide continuing education credits for several clinical disciplines.

Our Mission:
“The mission of ASPIN is to provide innovative educational programs, resource management, program development, and network management in collaboration with all healthcare entities to address health disparities and whole health management.”

Program Updates:

ASPIN has developed a School-Based Provider COVID-19 Mental Health Toolkit with support from SAMHSA and MHTTC. The purpose of this toolkit is to supply school-based mental health providers with resources to support students, parents, and school personnel who may be experiencing grief and/or mental fatigue as a result of the persistent disruptions to everyday life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

These resources serve as supplements to evidence-based practices clinicians are already using. As with any set of tools, providers can pick and choose which activities are appropriate for the clients and communities they serve. Resources were selected with input from a survey of school-based mental health providers in Indiana.

Download the MHTTC ASPIN School Toolkit

ASPIN will receive over 1.6 million dollars from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to assist Hoosier in finding health coverage through the Marketplace, Medicaid, Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) or the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) over the 2022-2023 year. ASPIN has served as a Navigator grantee since 2013 and is the only statewide grantee.  Over the last ten years, ASPIN’s navigators have reached over 4.3 million Hoosiers through outreach and education, received over 13,800 calls to its call center and held over 47,500 appointments for enrollment assistance. For more information on this program or to schedule an appointment with a navigator, click here. To read the press release, click here

“Hoosiers experiencing mental health-related distress may call 988 to connect to a trained crisis specialist” 

Sign up for our E-Mail List to receive ASPIN information here.

ASPIN is a Department of Workforce Development NextLevel Jobs training provider! For more information click HERE.